Monday, December 14, 2009

If I were a man I'd be a pig (feminism #2.5?)/ my religious views

but i'm not. I'm a woman. Probably the reason all of these terrible misogynists are attracted to me is because my personality is naturally bias and terrible and bigoted? Maybe god made me a woman for a reason.

-ahaha god. If god cared who was a man and who was a woman their wouldn't be misogynists. or all woman would just be brainless with huge breasts and barbie doll bodies

Have I told you my religious views in a while? no, I haven't, have I? I believe in an unbiased god. Radical, eh??? A god who doesn't take the form of a man or of a woman, and who doesn't give a shit about what's right or wrong, because if their was a god who cared and could do anything, we'd be living in a "Utopia" and everything would go just one way, partial to just one kind of being.

i do not know that this god exists. It probably doesn't. but if their is a god, which may or may not be, it would realistically have to be this way. Make sense? So what. I'm really actually agnostic.

To sum up this entry in three points:
1. Fuck you pigs! I'm a feminist.
2. I don't fucking know if god exists,
3. but (s)he (non-gender, unbiased) obviously doesn't care.

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