Saturday, February 28, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009


eat me, I dare you...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The meaning of life

why you all stressing? bitching? starting wars? reading holy books? meditating?
If you want the meaning of life, look it up in the dictionary.

life [lahyf] noun, plural lives [lahyvz], adjective
1. The condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaption to environment through changes originating internally.

of course I'm kidding.  no I'm not an atheist.  Actually somehow got confirmed into the Catholic church.  I don't know exactly what I believe but I don't believe in pushing your views on others.
so the moral of the story is, if you read what I write don't mind it.  just consider it.
and amen to that.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Whats going down with me?

Well...I have a shitload of homework.
I don't believe in homework
We had a lock down in our school today so a bunch of effin police people could search the druggy kids lockers
I REALLY don't believe they should do that
And I have to go to church today cause its ash wednesday
I believe in that, sort of
(bet you thought I'd say I don't)
 but Im prolly gonna have to stay up till 1 or something finishing this HW shit
Better get back to it

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A list of random-ish things

Agyness deyn, the Cobra Snake, Acid wash jeans, Harajuku Girls, FIGHT CLUB, Mexican Hotdog, Check top, Independance day, moshmoshmosh

<3<3<3 sexy

hot pics, you gotta admit


Starting a blog, yah? I am.  Heck yes.  I'm an alien and yes, an anarchist.
My ways are foreign to this planet and in every way I'll try to express my views as plainly and simply as possible.  I will also post,  occasionally, little tidbits from around the internet of which I find visually appealing.  I like music too. PUNKROCK