Monday, December 14, 2009

I don't care. I hate you.

I need no one. I need nothing. Nothing is right. There's no future.

If I were a man I'd be a pig (feminism #2.5?)/ my religious views

but i'm not. I'm a woman. Probably the reason all of these terrible misogynists are attracted to me is because my personality is naturally bias and terrible and bigoted? Maybe god made me a woman for a reason.

-ahaha god. If god cared who was a man and who was a woman their wouldn't be misogynists. or all woman would just be brainless with huge breasts and barbie doll bodies

Have I told you my religious views in a while? no, I haven't, have I? I believe in an unbiased god. Radical, eh??? A god who doesn't take the form of a man or of a woman, and who doesn't give a shit about what's right or wrong, because if their was a god who cared and could do anything, we'd be living in a "Utopia" and everything would go just one way, partial to just one kind of being.

i do not know that this god exists. It probably doesn't. but if their is a god, which may or may not be, it would realistically have to be this way. Make sense? So what. I'm really actually agnostic.

To sum up this entry in three points:
1. Fuck you pigs! I'm a feminist.
2. I don't fucking know if god exists,
3. but (s)he (non-gender, unbiased) obviously doesn't care.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I suck at poetry...

I think I'm finally on the edge.
I don't think I can get any worse.
I feel like I'm becoming someone that only I can love,
but yet they all still love me.
I can't turn back now, what I've already started. It's too late.
This is the only thing that makes me feel confident, so why am I still so ignorant?
My only weapon, is it firing towards me?
Was it never my weapon at all?

I am the scum of the earth.
I can only be comfortable with other scum.
The world is all lies. There is nothing else.

I can't turn back. The art has blinded me, and all of my hopes and fears have too.
I'll be terrible forever, and I won't even notice.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

You raised me to be politically incorrect, do you expect me to be any different?

(economical conservatives turned socially conservative because of the presence of teenagers in their life) vs. (leftist radicals(especially punks))


I love him. but not really.